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21, Street 11, "Nursaya" Microdistrict

+7 (7122)

24 Jan 2019

Open Day

23 January the Open Day dedicated to the work with parents was held. The same event provides possibilities for parents to be acquainted with the work of the kindergarten and to get aware of the goals of educational process.

The event was aimed at formulation of trustful relationships between parents and teachers and defining the goals of mutual upbringing and its implementations.

Within the day the parents was able to attend different types of teacher-kids activities, getting to know how the regimes are organized and consist of.

Holding such days has become a tradition. How important it is – to feel the atmosphere of kids’ life, watch the work of teachers, who are consolidated with a common idea, – to understand the kid, to help him to be himself, and reveal his unique and individual features.

We are thanking the parents for being interested in the event, active and appealing in communication.