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31-73-81; 31-73-87
21, Street 11, "Nursaya" Microdistrict

+7 (7122)

For Parents

Parent - Teacher Association (PTA)

Parent - Teacher Association (PTA) is a public non-profit organization providing cooperation of parents and teachers.

The Association consists of parents (or other persons representing the interests of the child), teachers, representatives of the administration of the kindergarten.
The association brings together the efforts of parents and teachers, aimed at creating the best traditions that encourages creative, harmoniously developed, independent individual with a positive perception of the world, as well as helping to ensure conditions for the organization of a high level of education.
Areas of activity PTA
1.Dissemination of information.
2.Support for the educational work of the kindergarten.
3.Support for the kindergarten to provide a high level of education.
4.Support and improve the environment of the kindergarten. Checking the quality of food.
5.Participation in the development of the resource base of the kindergarten.
6.Participation in support of the educational programs of the kindergarten, assistance in organizing informational meetings with parents to get acquainted with the educational programs, support in the conduct of the various competitions and contests for pupils, participation in the development of an incentive system for the inmates.