21 Dec 2018
Regional SeminarOn 21 December an Oblast Seminar “Zhanartylgan bylim beru mazmuny boyinsha okytudagy innovatsiyalyk adis-tasilder zhane is-areketty baskaru zhuyesyn kalyptastyru” was held. At the Seminar participated more than 40 educators from Education Departments of the province and the region and methodologists of preschool institutions of Atyrau Region.
The program was heavy with theoretic and methodological issues: from innovative education to work experience exchange.
The guest of the seminar unanimously noted that they much benefited from the seminar. According the educators, they gained much useful information, got acquainted with creative educators, and acquired new types of work with kids.
Upon completion, the educators of Miras kindergarten were awarded with thank-you letters.